Pricing Models
We are interested in long-term partnership with our customers and offer a choice of different pricing models based on customer needs
Fixed price
We use this model when the scope of requirements and budget are clearly defined, and the expected results and deadlines are clearly fixed
Evaluation of the project according to the specifications provided by the customer
The customer pays a fixed price
Low Risk
Clearly formulated requirements allow the customer to accurately determine the timing and budget of the project
Allows the customer to create a transparent and clear work plan. Each stage of the project is evaluated and regulated
Ability to budget for the entire project
Customer can initially adjust the scope of the project depending on financial capabilities
Actual Labor Costs
This model is used when the scope, specifications and requirements are not clearly defined at the start of the project
Formation of project teams and provision of infrastructure in accordance with the requirements of the project
The customer pays the agreed hourly cost of the specialists work
Flexibility throughout the development process to optimize time and cost
Allows to ensure the optimal ratio of team size and scope
Suitable for projects in development or with unclear scope
Hybrid model
This model is used when combining the operation schemes of the fixed and actual models
Part of the work, in which the requirements are clearly defined, will be performed at a fixed cost
Part of the work, in which the requirements were not known at the start of the project, or which will arise at later stages of the project, will be paid by the customer according to the actual model
Allows to organize the development process in accordance with changing business requirements
Enables both parties to mitigate risks and build a comfortable rhythm of cooperation
Funding control
Guarantees greater transparency of costs, allows to get an idea of ​​the formation of the project budget